New blog

As is customary, every new blog must start with a blog post explaining its existence. This is it.

I already have a blog. It’s in Norwegian, and I’ve used it to write about a range of topics from cooking to politics, through philosophy, literature, and the occasional funny story. What I haven’t used it for much (there are notable exceptions!) is to write about what I do for a living and spend more than the allotted 8 hours a day thinking about.

I’ve been thinking for years that I should blog about these topics – tech, testing, test management – but it never really seemed to fit in my old blog. And so that blog has been all but abandoned for a long time. You know what they say. When you can’t keep up one project, it’s always advisable to start a new project!

Thus, here it is. A blog about testing, about generic techy stuff, about test management, perhaps the occasional office story. We’ll see what it turns into over time.